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It is now 4 months since Lucia organised my kitchen and I am thrilled that my kitchen is still in the same state as then.  Lucia was able to organise my cupboards so that everything is in easy reach and that the order of things makes sense. Even my husband seems to be able to put things back where they belong after use where previously we would constantly ask one another where a certain item was – such a waste of time.  I do believe I have lessened the time I take to find that certain spice or ingredient or pot and it takes less time to put plates and pots away .  My cupboards look neat and tidy and I have no breakages as plates don’t fall out of the cupboard when I open the door. Thank you Lucia - so easy to keep this organised now.


Well, you should see my craft and play room!!  It seems as though I have more space since Lucia got in there and changed the order of things.  I was dreading going in to the room to find something and was certainly dreading re-organising the cupboards.  With Lucia’s help, I actually had fun re-organising the cupboards and it didn’t take long at all – a few hours and hey presto – I know where everything is.  It is a pleasure to go in there and use the craft items. Even the grandchildren have no problems finding the games and puzzles, previously hidden under materials and papers.  They also put toys back where they found them now as it seems to be the logical place for them to go – just like child’s play.


Theresa, Watson ACT




Lucia is an organisational wonder woman, with the passion to match. She can take any space you need help with, and work with you to make it work for you. My study was quite chaotic  - to the point where we avoided using the computer as the room made us feel stifled and pressured. With Lucia’s help I now have a clear and organised space for a home office. Where I previously struggled,  I have now been able to keep it organised and clean on an ongoing basis.  Lucia’s ability to organise a space means we suddenly now have spots to put things away! I now feel like I have a space I can breathe in.


Dimity, Curtin ACT



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